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어나더리얼의 직원 중심 조직 문화
어나더리얼 주요 혜택 및 복지
We provide quality learning data and algorithms for AI video/image analysis solutions that can be used for the prevention of safety accidents and management analysis, etc.
Construction IndustryWe provide quality learning data and algorithms for AI video/image analysis solutions that can be used for the prevention of safety accidents and management analysis, etc.
We provide quality learning data and algorithms for AI video/image analysis solutions that can be used for the analysis of manufacturing processes/sites, and prevention/management of safety accidents.
Manufacturing IndustryWe provide quality learning data and algorithms for AI video/image analysis solutions that can be used for the analysis of manufacturing processes/sites, and prevention/management of safety accidents.
We provide quality learning data and algorithms for AI video/image analysis solutions that can be used for port/harbor logistics management, work status management, and the prevention/management of safety accidents.
Port IndustryWe provide quality learning data and algorithms for AI video/image analysis solutions that can be used for port/harbor logistics management, work status management, and the prevention/management of safety accidents.
We provide quality learning data and algorithms for AI video/image analysis solutions that can be used for traffic analysis, traffic measurement, etc.
Transportation IndustryWe provide quality learning data and algorithms for AI video/image analysis solutions that can be used for traffic analysis, traffic measurement, etc.
We provide quality learning data and algorithms for AI video/image analysis solutions that can be used for the analysis of productivity in the field of power generation (power generation facility status analysis, worker safety management, etc.)
Power Generation IndustryWe provide quality learning data and algorithms for AI video/image analysis solutions that can be used for the analysis of productivity in the field of power generation (power generation facility status analysis, worker safety management, etc.)
We provide quality learning data and algorithms for AI video/image analysis solutions that can be used for inventory analysis, logistics analysis, worker safety analysis, etc.
Logistics IndustryWe provide quality learning data and algorithms for AI video/image analysis solutions that can be used for inventory analysis, logistics analysis, worker safety analysis, etc.